Program Business Operations Boot Camp
March 12 -13, 2015 • Hyatt French Quarter Hotel • New Orleans
The TMPAA in partnership with the Operations Advisory Service of TMPAA member ReSource Pro will be offering a program administration focused two-day workshop designed to assist insurance operations leaders facilitate growth and profitability. This training targets the operational managers at program administrator agencies.
Click here for Program Business Boot Camp agenda, registration and more.

Happy Holidays!
Best Wishes for a Healthy and Profitable 2015
The TMPAA wraps up 2014 as the premier industry group for Program Administration. The Association will continue to focus on initiatives that generate program business opportunities and foster best practice operations.
Here are a few suggestions for your holiday wish list:
- Take Target University courses and apply for the CPL (Certified Programs Leader) Designation
- Apply to have your agency receive the TMPAA Best Practice Designation
- Use the Association's commercial website, Target Programs, to promote your insurance products
- Attend the Program Operations Boot Camp in New Orleans
- Make plans to participate in both the TMPAA Mid Year Meeting and Summit
Tysers Trophy Awarded

Tysers CEO, Chris Elliot presented the Tysers Trophy to Katherine Vespia of Distinguished Programs at the 14th Annual Summit. Katherine will travel to London for a 10-day educational experience in the spring.
14th Annual Summit In Review

Click here for full meeting recap including workshop presentations, photos and more.
Address or Staff Changes?
Let us know so we can make sure our records are current and you receive all important membership information. Email Monica Elischer with updates.