2021 Mid-Year Meeting
May 3-5 | Tampa, FL

______ Update ______
TMPAA Members and Friends,
As you are all painfully aware, our country’s situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic changes on a daily basis. The roll out of vaccines, therapeutics, and new variants continue to confound us all.
When making our decision months ago to proceed with an in-person meeting in Tampa this May, we were hoping to be in a much better position to offer a safe and valuable event. There remains, however, some significant questions about our ability to accomplish this.
In order to help you plan ahead, we are writing today to inform you that our decision about the Tampa meeting will be made on or before March 1st. Our intention is to make the meeting work if it can be done safely.
Should we not be able to meet in person, the TMPAA Team is developing a May Networking Week that will allow all members to connect for virtual meetings, much like the October Virtual Summit. Even with an in-person meeting, virtual meetings will be organized to accommodate members who are unable to attend.
Please bear with us as we attempt to accommodate the diverse opinions of our members and deliver the value you expect from membership in the TMPAA. Feel free to contact us with questions.
Thank you and stay safe.
Chris Pesce TMPAA President Director of Operations, One80 Intermediaries
Ray Scotto TMPAA Executive Director 302-268-1010 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Market Finding
These key resources are available to members year-round on the TMPAA website.
Carrier Search Portal Searchable database of 60+ TM Carrier profiles with program appetites - member login required
Online Meeting Request with Carrier Partner Form to set up meetings
Program Carrier Checklist Items to consider when choosing a market for your program
Program Executive Summary Baseline information required to start the market-finding discussion
Reinsurance Support Assistance with challenging program placements and alternative risk transfer
London Markets Access to Lloyd’s focusing on startups, new business ideas, and unique opportunities
Enroll in Target Programs and Reach More Agents

As a participant in Target Programs, available to program administrator members, you receive the following benefits for $2,500/year:
- Full time Outlet Center listing on TargetPrograms.com
- Distribution of three e-ads to our agent database
- Instant email lead notifications from agents looking for coverage
- Option to purchase additional custom e-ads at a discount
- Complimentary distribution of two news releases per year about your people/products
Looking to send more than three emails per year? Additional e-ad packages are available to our large agent database.

What sets us apart?
- Options for different budgets and goals
- No additional HTML ad development or set up fees
- Post campaign reports including agent emails and states
- Regional distribution capability
- Personalized service and easy ad scheduling
- Our commitment to the success of all TMPAA members
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (302) 268-1011 for more information or to enroll.

Smith & Wilkinson
Smith & Wilkinson’s Insurance Practice works as a talent acquisition partner serving the needs of the program business community and adjacent companies. With access to a broad, national network of exceptional people from across the insurance industry, we align talent strategy with your business goals.
Whether your organization is in need of skilled individual contributors, emerging leaders, seasoned business line leaders, or help with your C-suite succession plan, Smith & Wilkinson’s team provides exceptional service in delivering the most critical element of your business: its people.
Contact: Ken Jordan, Partner & Practice Director This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 207-289-2211
We will spotlight your company on request. Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Stay Connected!
Follow the TMPAA on Twitter for the latest news and announcements.
Join more than 1,100 members in the Target Markets Linked In group.

Program Employment Bulletin Board
Are you looking to fill a position at your agency/company? The Program Employment Bulletin Board is accessible to all TMPAA website visitors, promoted broadly in the industry, and made available to universities with Insurance and Risk Management programs. Here are some current postings:
- Director of Insurance Services and Education
- Insurance Programs Underwriter
- Business Development Leader
- Claims Adjuster - General Liability
- Occupational Accident
- Underwriting Director
- Manager of Claims
- Comptroller
- Head of Casualty Programs
- Underwriting Assistant
Add your opportunity today!
Program Employment Bulletin Board
Review Your Member Profile
Maintaining an accurate business profile on the TMPAA website is a key element for successful networking and business development among members. These profiles are especially important in a time when face-to-face meetings are limited or not possible.
Please review your current profile in the member section of the TMPAA website and contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you need assistance making updates.

New Members
- AFH Holdings, LLC
- NALICO General Agency, Inc.
View additional information on Program Administrator members (sign in required).
- OneShield Software
- Risk Control Technologies, Inc.
- Semsee
View additional information on Service Provider members.

Member News
NEMT Insurance Launches Paratransit Insurance Program on Instec System
One80 Expands Capabilities to include Lender-Placed Insurance Solutions and Insurance Tracking Services
NFP Acquires Michigan’s Colburn Risk Holdings
New Cowbell Cyber Partner Program Connects Insureds with Risk Management Services
Chubb Appoints Leigh Anne Sherman Division President of ESIS, Inc.
Member Insurance Announces Corporate Name Change to American Hardware & Lumber Insurance
Iowa’s CGA Insurance Services Launches Managing General Underwriter Program
Read more stories and submit your news today!