2014 TMPAA Rough Notes Supplement
Rough Notes is once again dedicating a special supplement within their September 2014 issue exclusively to Target Markets. Your participation in the Target Markets Special Section includes:
- A full-page, professionally written feature article and full page ad
- 500 color reprints of your ad and article for $1 each
- Exposure to an additional 25,000 readers of Rough Notes online
- Video enhancement opportunity available for an additional fee
Click here to see samples of TMPAA member videos. Click here to view the 2013 supplement.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to reserve your space!
TMPAA Videos 
Take a look at some recent videos about the TMPAA and Program Business.
Ideas, Execution Come Together in Program Market Program Managers Discuss How to Develop a Program
Meeting Videos

Register for Target University Courses this Summer and Earn a $150 Educational Incentive
TMPAA carrier member XL Group, in an effort to promote excellence in program business, will support Program Administrator members of the TMPAA who register for all 12 Target University courses with a $150 educational subsidy.
Click here for more information.

2nd Annual Targeting Talent Trophy
10 Day Educational Assignment in London Sponsored by Tysers
"We now have a clearer picture of how we can incorporate Surplus Lines business into our philosophy of transacting business. This will bring future growth, balance and stability to Bellingham Underwriters." – Scott Young, 2013 Tyser's Trophy Recipient Tysers, working with the TMPAA, is proud to sponsor the Second Annual “Targeting Talent Trophy†which looks to provide an individual, from a Program Administrator member of the Association, the opportunity to travel to London for a 10 day educational assignment during the spring of 2015. The successful applicant will leave London with a comprehensive understanding of how Program Business is transacted in the London market. Click here to see the complete quote from last year's winner, information regarding requirements and application.