Target University Awards 20 CPL Designations
"The mission of Target University and the CPL Designation is also the overarching goal of the Association, which is to promote best practices in program administration," stated Heidi Strommen, TMPAA President. "The CPL Designation recognizes the specialized skill sets of program administrators. The fact that we now have almost 100 members with the designation speaks to its value."
CPL Designation recipients included Kyle Berthold, Katherine Damon, Lorraine Gallagher, Lanie Galvan, Donella Held, Sandy Ryder and Katherine Vespia, of Distinguished Programs; Melinda R. Bockewitz, Scottsdale Insurance; Joseph Brizuela, Liberty International Underwriters; Daniel Czabaj, Glencar Underwriting Managers; John B. Cunningham, Beacon Aviation Insurance Services; David Daniels, NIF Group, Inc.; John W. Davis and James Kelley, Willis Programs; Rebecca Holt, Clear Risk Solutions; Phil Kelling, ARA Insurance; Angela Matthews, AmRisc, LLC; Jeff Moran, Keystone Program Group, LLC; Ethan Nadorlik, ACE Commercial Risk Services; and Victoria Webb, Markel.
Click here for full article. Individual photos are available in the meeting gallery.
New Members
Program Administrators
BlueSkyRisk Ted Nolan This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 801-699-6833 www.blueskyrisk.com Worldwide Facilities, LLC Lori Hunter This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 2130236-4585 www.wwfi.com
i3 Analytics, LLC Arthur Frisch This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 561-212-8817 www.i3analytics.com

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