Industry Speaker Vincent J. Dowling, Jr. - Biography
Mr. Dowling co-founded Dowling & Partners in January 1990 and currently serves as Managing Partner.
He began his career with A.J.B. Zunser and Co. in 1982 as a junior insurance stock analyst. He joined Fox-Pitt Kelton, Ltd. in 1983 and was admitted to the FPK partner¬ship in 1986. Mr. Dowling received his BA from Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire and his MBA from Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts.
Dowling & Partners Securities is a Hartford based institutional stock brokerage firm specializing in property/casualty insur¬ance, health insurance and life insurance.
Dowling & Partners property/casualty research team, authors of the IBNR Weekly published each Thursday evening, is consis¬tently ranked as # 1 by the Greenwich Survey of institutional investors and Best of Boutiques by Institutional Investor. The firm's fundamental analysis pays particular attention to loss reserves, balance sheets, and areas of sustained competitive advantage.