Houlihan Lokey

Houlihan Lokey

245 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10167

W http://www.hl.com/us/home.aspx

Contact: Faiz Vahidy

E danna.templeton@hl.com

P (212) 497-7896

Company Description

Description of Product or Services you would like to promote in the Association:

M&A advisory, capital raising, restructuring, accounting, valuation and strategic consulting.

How does your product or service specifically target/benefit Program Administrators:

We help owners and managers of Program Administrators achieve their strategic growth and valuation objectives.

What differentiates your product from others in the marketplace?

Unsurpassed access to and relationships with private capital providers.

Leader in M&A (by number of transactions) for all US M&A as well as US Insurance Industry M&A.

Strength of senior bankers' experience.