Pierce Branding LLC

Pierce Branding LLC

525 Sharpless Street
West Chester, PA 19382

W http://www.pierce-branding.com

Contact: Reg Pierce

E reg@pierce-branding.com

P (267) 257-3757

Company Description

Pierce Branding LLC was formed in 2015 as an evolution from Target Programs Marketing Services (TPMS), the in-house marketing services arm of TMPAA. Today, Pierce Branding is an independent branding and marketing consultancy continuing to service many TMPAA member clients but also working with non-TMPAA clients both in the insurance industry and other business categories.

Reg Pierce, ARM is Managing Partner of Pierce Branding and is a over 30-year veteran of specialty insurance marketing. Before his insurance experience, his resume includes 15 years of account management in NYC ad agencies and client-side executive roles in Philadelphia.  Reg served as a LTJG in the US Navy and graduated from Williams College.  He is married, has three grown children and resides in West Chester, PA.

Description of Product or Services you would like to promote in the Association:

Overall branding strategy, brand identity, branded marketing materials, websites, custom videos, public relations and online marketing strategies.

How does your product or service specifically target/benefit Program Administrators:

Since April 2011, Pierce Branding has worked with thirty TMPAA members.

What differentiates your product from others in the marketplace?

  • Developed marketing strategies, designs and campaigns for PAs/MGAs since 1994 to the present.
  • Worked for TMPAA as inside staff for 4 years and have relationships with scores of current TMPAA members.
  • Award winning creative and website designs continue to build strong referrals within and outside TMPAA.