Program Administrator Membership

TMPAA is the premier national association for Program Administrator/MGAs who can verify their agency has at least one specialty insurance program* with annual premium revenue of $1 Million.

→ Developing a program? Learn about our Program Incubator Membership.

→ Involved in the program space through ownership of separately branded program administrators? Learn about our Program Aggregator Membership.

Please note: New member applications will not be processed within 30 days of our two annual events (see meeting dates).

To start the membership process, please review the information below and select the application link.

*The TMPAA defines Program Business as insurance products targeted to a particular niche market or class, generally representing a book of similar risks placed with one carrier. Administration is done through Program Specialists who have developed an expertise in that market or class. Administrative responsibilities are negotiated between the Specialist and Carrier, but would include underwriting selection, binding, issuing, billing, and often times marketing, premium collections, data gathering, claims management/loss control and possibly risk sharing. Program Specialists typically target their niches through differentiation either in product, risk management services, delivery mechanism or price. Specialists can distribute these programs through retail agents, wholesale brokers, or on a direct basis.